Yamahachi Maeda Kotaro shoten
Noteworthy blends from a master of tea tasting!!
茶審査技術十段を取得し、NHK「プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀」にも出演した前田文男さんのブレンドが人気なんです!!
Noteworthy blends from a master of tea tasting!! Obtained 10th-dan (degree) tea expert qualification, made television appearance on NHK’s “Professional Shigoto no Ryugi”, Fumio Maeda’s blends are hits!

●受付期間:7月~翌3月 ●定員:3名 ●費用:¥500 ●所要時間:1時間
“Sampling Blends and Factory Tour” offered (by appointment) •Appointments accepted July through March •Group size: 3 person limit •Fee: 500 yen •Time required: 1 hour
営業8:00~17:00 土・日・祝定休(Closed/ SAT,SUN)
静岡市葵区北番町15 ☎︎054-271-1950